After Effects Plugin BAO Layer Sculptor Open Eyes And Mouth Tutorial

After Effects Plugin BAO Layer Sculptor Open Eyes And Mouth Tutorial –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Hello, we are introducing the AE plugin ‘BAO Layer Sculptor’. ’BAO Layer Sculptor’ allows you to draw a mask and create movement where you want. For example, it can be useful for blinking a character’s eyes or moving the mouth. I hope this helps you with your work 😊! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 안녕하세요 AE 플러그인인 ’BAO Layer Sculptor’ 를 소개 합니다 ’BAO Layer Sculptor’ 는 마스크를 그려 원하는 곳에 움직임을 줄 수 있습니다 예를들어 캐릭터의 눈을 깜박 이거나 입을 움직이는데 유
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