Keir Starmer has dropped the UK’s challenge to block arrest warrants forNetanyahu and his denfence minister & the lobby aren’t happy.. Right, so Keir Starmer has just taken the most minimal action he possibly could in relation to the ongoing genocide in Gaza by announcing that the legal action the UK government has been taking in relation to the arrest warrants at the International Criminal Court at the Hague, where an attempt was being made to block arrest warrants being issued against Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence minister Yoav Gallant. The withdrawal of this action by the UK government, instigated when the Tories were still running the country, comes as a surprise to many, not least myself, that even this ‘gesture politics’ small a thing as it is has come to pass, not least because David Lammy the Foreign Secretary gave Israel assurances it would be pursued when he met Netanyahu last week, Dithering Dave Lammy either overruled by Starmer once he came back, or lied to Netanyahu’s face, whichever you look at it, either are believable. Regardless of how small a move this has been though, the Israel Lobby is incensed, is furious with Starmer, who guessed he’d lie to them just like he lies to us? But it also shows how little wiggle room Starmer has to act on Israel as those he typically answers to are making their anger heard. Right, so the ICC case being brought by their Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan to issue arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, might have just shifted decisively against Israel, as Starmer cancels the legal challenge the UK brought against Khan’s request which centred around whether the ICC had jurisdiction to rule in this case. It absolutely does, Palestine is an ICC member state even if Israel isn’t and if an arrest warrant could be issued for Putin in relation to Ukraine, when Ukraine is an ICC member state and Russia isn’t, thwe same applies here. This all happened just yesterday at time of writing. It was a very bad look the former human rights lawyer blocking arrest warrants on war crimes and crimes against humanity charges and blew up in Labour’s face even more as David Lammy in the last week appeared to double down on that. But a shift came. Lammy’s assurances to Netanyahu on his trip to Israel last week amounted to nothing and now Lammy is apparently even considering banning arms sales to Israel, though there are degrees of that and exactly what happens there will bear looking at when that gets formally announced next week. Now Starmer had nothing to do with ordering this legal challenge, all he has done is the bare minimum in terms of holding Israel to account at this point, by cancelling that, but you would think he’d taken up arms against Israel given the reaction from the Israel Lobby over this. Naturally this includes the Board of Deputies, a pro Israel outfit that purport to represent all British Jewry, but you’ll find an awful lot of British Jews, would rather stick pins in their eyes than be associated them. They quickly issued a statement saying: ‘Today we learned that our government will not be pursuing the UK’s original objection to the ICC’s jurisdiction over the current Israel-Gaza conflict. ***Subscribe to the channel here*** ►ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Damien Willey. I’m a former welder, but now I’m a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on ) I’m an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism. This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless. ►CONTACT: Email: @ ►SUPPORT: If you appreciate the importance of alternative media in the UK and enjoy my work please consider financially supporting it. Various options to suit all budgets, please visit to find out more. Please support Independent Media. ►SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Alternatively please share this video on your favourite social media & if you’d like to see what I get up to elsewhere, yoy can also find links to my presence elsewhere at Damo Rants Kernow Damo israel,israel hamas war,israel news,israel war,israel hamas,israel attack houthi,israel houthi attack,keir starmer israel lobby,israel lobby,keir starmer,labour muslim network,labour friends of israel,board of deputies,icc,international criminal court,karim khan,ephraim mirvis,chief rabbi,jewish leadership council,benjamin netanyahu,netanyahu,yoav gallant,kernow damo,icj,kernowdamo,damo rants,icj israel,damo kernow,houthis,damo,starmer
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