painting myself a new Rose (krita speedpaint)

in today’s krita speedpaint I’m painting myself a new rose to use as a profile picture. RoseRedTiger is my rose tiger fursona, and the last portrait painting of her i made was christmas themed, which won’t do. Links: FAQs: Q:Do you use a tablet for digital art? A: yes, I have a Huion kamvas 16(2021). I wouldn’t recommend using a mouse for sculpting/ painting, it’s really slow and kinda bad for your hands. A cheap pad tablet is pretty good to start with though, you don’t need a fancy screen tablet. Q: will you make a tutorial? A: maybe, at some point. I’m still learning myself, and there are loads of people way more qualified to teach stuff. Q: How do you join 2 objects together in blender and smooth the transition? A: Joint the objects with ctrl j, then remesh in sculpt mode using shift r to set your mesh resolution and ctrl r to apply Krita brush sets I use: Concept art and illustration bun
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