3/02/2023 -- Deep M6.5 Earthquake -- Turkey, EU, USA, Asia, Americas NEW UNREST DUE -- Be Prepared

It is now about to be “go time“ yet again, with a new deep M6.5 Earthquake striking below Papua New Guinea in the West Pacific. All signs point to a new major seismic unrest event taking place starting today going forward for the next 7-10 days. Beginning in the West Pacific, centered around the multiple new deep earthquakes, going up to M6.5 range --- this means we have potential for large M7.0 earthquake activity to strike as a result of the new upwelling push coming up from below the Indo-Australian Plate. This new deep event is a new push coming. The rest of this update deals with the previous weeks warnings for the rest of the planet, particularly in Europe / Turkey, Hawaii, Central South America as well as Asia, Alaska, and the Mideast. Simply put, I think things are going to take a big step up this week with the number of M6.0 events, topping out with the M7.5 due in the next 7-10 days.
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