I Can’t Help It

Warning: Cheese Alert! Srsly. And just so you all know, negative comments will be deleted. Title: I Can’t Help It Song: I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You Artist: Ingrid Michaelson Subjects: Jared/Gen Warnings: CHEESE. Category: Real life :) Summary: “Some things, are meant to be..“ Okay so as heartbroken as I am that Jared is married, and as much as I [tried to] dislike Gen for a long time, I freaking LOVE these two so much after seeing their wedding pictures. I actually teared up looking at them :’) And when I saw Hanna’s (dazzleme7’s) new video with Jack and Kaya, I fell in love with... this song. And I knew I had to make this. And PLEASE don’t ask me where to get these pictures (because they’re here), or complain that this is “invading their privacy“ or something.. eh, either way I’ll just delete your comment/message, so. Whatevskie. The pictures from their wedding can be found in various places,
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