. Prince Takamado Trophy JAL Presents Fencing WorldCup 2019
Rhizomatiks developed the “Points of a sword visualization system”, was presented at the “Takamadomiya Cup JAL PRESENTS FENCING WORLD CUP 2019”.
The “Points of a sword visualization system” is a joint project with Dentsu Lab Tokyo that detects fencing sword tips that cannot be followed by human eyes, performs real-time AR synthesis, and immediately visualizes trajectory. Under the initiative of Yuya Hanai (Rhizomatiks), this system can visualize the tip of the sword without a marker improved accuracy of sword detection and updated visual expression by using deep learning.
ライゾマティクスが開発した「Points of a sword visualization system」が「高円宮杯 JAL PRESENTS FENCING WORLD CUP 2019」で披露されました。「Points of a sword visualization system」は、人間の視覚では追いきれないフェンシングの剣先を検出、リアルタイムでAR合成し、即時に軌跡のビジュアライズを行う、Dentsu Lab Tokyoとの共同プロジェクトです。
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