Bach - Concerto for three harpsichords in D minor BWV 1063 - Mortensen | Netherlands Bach Society

In the Concerto for three harpsichords in D minor, performed by the Netherlands Bach Society for All of Bach, Bach plays with monophony and polyphony. It is a solo concerto, but then for three harpsichords. Sometimes all the instruments play the same melody, but then they go off on their own again. And even when they follow their own path, there are still always lines played by two, three or four hands together. When the harpsichordists are actually all playing something different, their instruments still sound like one big combined instrument. Recorded for the project All of Bach on October 15th 2017 at the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, Amsterdam. If you want to help us complete All of Bach, please subscribe to our channel and consider donating For the interview with the harpsichordists Mortensen, Henstra and Van Delft on the Concerto for three harpsichords in D minor go to
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