H-here’s your receipt, sir! (The Traitor Ending)

I THOUGHT I COULD TOO. This meme is very cursed. I’m sorry for posting this. Anyway, i just want to memepost for a few days, then back to my gachimuchi stuff. Не волнуйтесь, работяги, спустя пару дней постинга этого мне надоест, и я вернусь к своему гачимучи. pls check my content if you are real man of culture and interested in gachimuchi. Also check my other channel with montage edits (soon there will be more.. maybe). Here it is - Game - CoD Modern Warfare 3 original post from merynyaa, be a man and find it yourself! #meme #hereisyourreceiptsir #soaptrustedyou #dank420
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