VMO . Violent Magic Orchestra - 「SUPERGAZE」 (Music Video)
Listen to ‘SUPERGAZE’ here:
Bandcamp: ...
VMO Violent Magic Orchestra will release the second single “SUPERGAZE“ from the album “DEATH RAVE“ scheduled to be released in the future from NEVER SLEEP.
“SUPERGAZE“ is a song that evokes dance and mosh and explodes with a beautiful crystal gaze noise/guitar and a violent beat that evokes the image of a blizzard running through outer space.
The music video, which will be premiered by CVLT Nation at the same time as the distribution, is a spectacularly insane video work by French visual artist “Valnoir“ who has worked on jackets for Laibach, igorrr, Alcest and Led Zeppelin.
In February of this year, VMO performed at the CTM Festival in Berlin, where they performed at Berghain and received great acclaim.
Starting with this, they acted as the closing of the circus stage at the outdoor festival Morimichi Market in Japan, and in June they appeared in Tasmania’s dark festival DARK MOFO, and in Sydney SOFT CENTER using a huge screen of 17m x 30m. they perform A\V live.
At Sonar 2023 in Spain, the collaboration work “DIGITAL AFTERLIFE AGENCY“ with Taiwanese visual artist Yuen Heish and the VR work “VENOM“ by OMMATIDIUM STUDIOS will be exhibited.
Please pay attention to VMO, which is active worldwide in preparation for the album release.
:Valnoir’s presentation :
“I decided to offer VMO to direct a music video for them because.... well, those are probably the most fucked up, unpredictable, no-limits, excentric band I’ve been fortunate enough to work with.
I mean, you take the shittiest venue in the crappiest town, and they will transform it in a stroboscopic death arena filled with a horde of epileptic hakken-dancing cyborgs high on crystal meth LSD.
This came at a moment I needed to experiment in my CGI practice, and I knew that those guys were not the kind of people to break my balls asking me to replace a cool element by “an angel bearing a scythe or something“. I could basically do anything I wanted. I decided to write a plot in which my friend Mongoloid (frontman of Vampilia and also member of VMO) would be trapped in a very, very bad psychedelic trip. I like the guy, but one of my favorite things in life is to punch him in the chest as hard as I can when he’s on stage. I wanted to take this experience, amplify it, mix it with fractals, et voilà!“
・Video Credits
Director : Valnoir
Material provision: KEZZARDRIX
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