Simple Tulip flower painting 🌷| Acrylic Water drops painting | Background Noise | Episode #295

Size: 30 cm x 25.5 cm Painting image link: Materials used: Canvas, Palette, Acrylic Colors, Brushes, Masking tape, Cotton cloth, Painting knife, Water container and water. Color Used: Burnt Sienna, Vermilion Hue, Lemon Yellow, Permanent Yellow, Crimson Lake, Prussian Blue, Sap Green, Ivory Black and Titanium White. Brushes : 1 number round short handle brush, 0 number round short handle brush and 2 number short handle fan brush. 📞 Contacts: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Please let me know if you have any suggestions for next video. Subscribe to get notified about new videos. #krupasindhudixit #tulip #flowerpainting
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