Calamity mod 1.4 - Reworked Profaned Guardians No-hit

Base Calamity? Yeah bet you didn’t see THAT did I..... ALSO MISTAKES HERE MADE! I looked up “Phan“ and grabbed the nearest bow because I wanted to use the I grabbed the PhanGasm“......But I did redo it off recording and it only altered the fight by 18 seconds so nothing massive. Normal No-hit old same old: Flawless No-hit - Simple enough, Can’t get hit or take any debuff damage (Unless unavoidable) No melting! - Do NOT kill bosses in A couple of seconds, The boss needs to have a chance to kill isn’t a channel where we jump up and down for an endgame boss kill of 15 seconds. Bosses minibosses - All bosses will be No-hit plus some Minibosses that deserve it. No Rod of Discord - This rule is simple, I’m to avoid the Rod of Discord, The only time it’s allowed is if the boss is broken in some manner making it incredibly unfair with unavoidable attacks. My Disc
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