Have we BOUGHT an ABANDONED VILLAGE | near Château de Lalacelle. Ep 71

Bonjour à tous, What have this crazy British family gone and done now, with a beautiful abandoned 18th century chateau to fully restore the family take a little timeout to look around another project. A abandoned village, 15 minutes away from Chateau de Lalacelle. You may think the chateau is a lot of work being abandoned for over 40 years, but this village is a little more, with the last person to live here in 1936, its a mammoth task for anyone to take on, do you think it is worth saving? If you are Interested In the village, please message Gerard, @ If you like our videos please subscribe to our channel and hit the like buttom on the video as It helps us massively 🙏🥰 And If you would like to join us on our family journey restoring this once abandoned château, then please just follow the link below, 🥰 ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇ʊ
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