Massive Monstera deliciosa Transplant! Out of the Ground and Into the Warehouse.

This is a real-time video showing a massive & huge monstera deliciosa that I planted in the ground in my back yard being moved back indoors! I am going to dig it up out of the ground and plant it in a pot! I planted it outside in my backyard at the start of the summer because I didn’t have a pot that was big enough! I will need to cut the roots with my shovel and just grab it and pulpit out of the ground. This is hard work! The arial roots are really anchoring the plant to the ground. Next, I use a hose to wash off the bugs and clean off the dirt on the roots. Fortunately, the roots look really good and I can wrap it up, transport it in the back of my rented SUV (yikes), and move it to our warehouse! It barely fits in my car! It takes some twisting and then off to the warehouse! Finally, I pot the plant in a big pot. I drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage, add some soil in the bottom of the pot, lift the giant plant into the pot, cut off so
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