Guarding Mission. Spaceship Cockpit & Radio Chatter. Sci-Fi Ambiance for Sleep, Study, Relaxation.

Welcome to the 4th planet of the DXTR binary star system. The biggest feature of this planet is dust storms and valuable minerals found in powder form just above the surface. It is difficult to come across rock forms, everywhere is full of desert formations and this makes our job easier in mining. We have built huge machines like vacuum cleaners and we pull the soil and separate the minerals in it. Although this part of the job is nice, dust storms make visibility and communication difficult. Our job is to ensure the security of these giant mining machines. Sometimes pirates try to infiltrate mining areas. Our job is to keep them away from the area. Instagram: Are you searching for the perfect ambient atmosphere for relaxation and focused studying? Look no further than this captivating video set in the cockpit of a futuristic sci-fi spaceship, complete with immersive radio chatter. Indulge in an extraordinary ambient experience as you delve into stunning
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