Gong Fu Tea|chA - Episode 16 - Phoenix Oolongs (鳳凰單叢茶 | fèng huáng dān cóng chá)

In this episode, So Han discusses the wacky world of Phoenix Single-Bush Oolongs, a type of tea known for its myriad hyper-specific and complex flavors and fragrances. Tea masters in the Phoenix Mountains breed tea plants in an attempt to produce a plant with highly distinct characteristics. Once they have succeeded in producing such a plant, these tea farmers will clone that plant, which over the course of decades will result in an orchard of genetically identical plants. These leaves must then be charcoal roasted by a highly skilled tea master. So Han demos three teas that were processed by our friend A Long, a 4th generation Chao Zhou tea master, including one with a very unique backstory! The teas featured in this episode include: Thunderstruck (雷公打, Léigōng Dǎ, “Struck by Leigong, the Chinese God of Thunder“), which can be purchased here: -Yang Mei (楊梅香, Yáng Méi Xi
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