Nirvana People - Hari Om Tat Sat Chanting (Mantra Meditation)

We are glad to welcome everyone on our channel - Nirvana People! We bring the Mantra Meditation to your attention - Hari Om Tat Sat. Mantra listening or Mantra chanting immerses us into a meditative state, harmonizes all aspects of our life and reveals positive thinking, as well as provides us with an increase in vibrations! Meditation music gives us something special because it brings the energy flow on the right track, thus making our life even more harmonious and prosperous. Usually, when practicing Mantra, you’re interested in its meaning. Let’s consider the translation of the Hari Om Tat Sat Mantra: - ‘Hari’ is the visible Universe and life itself, it’s one of the Krishna’s names (the Supreme Personality of God); - ‘Om’ is the initial sound of the Universe, its initial vibration; - ‘Tat’ is the truth; - ‘Sat’ is eternity. Therefore, the literal translation of ‘Hari Om Tat Sat’ is ‘God is the truth’. The sacred meaning of the Mantra is that God (the Creator) permeates the entire Universe, God is in the he
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