U.S. “Defense“ Story Disguises the Truth - Global Capitalism with Richard Wolff

Defensive language is a powerful tool for the world’s most aggressive military power. Richard Wolff challenges America’s “defense“ historically and in the current moment with some truth. “The United States has military bases all over the world. Russia doesn’t and China doesn’t. They have barely any. Who’s defending? Who’s aggressing? We all know the truth because it’s hardly possible, even with this tendency. But the tendency tells us something. The United States can’t quite face what it’s doing. It can’t quite say what the reality is. It’s not a strength, but it is a powerful ideological tool.“ - Richard Wolff This is a clip from the November 2022 Global Capitalism Lecture: After the Elections: Now What? You can watch the full lecture here: Or listen to it as a podcast on your favorite podcast player! _________________________________________________________
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