Children’s Space Music Video about First Contact With Aliens — «Little Someone» for 04/12 +subtitles

Chronicle of the first contact with aliens. The clip is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space. The Little Earthman discovers the Green Planet, where the Little Alien lives. Aliens go to Earth, along the way they meet: Voyager, the planets Jupiter, Mars and Venus, Tesla Roadster, the Moon, the Soviet Lunokhod, the American lander, the Chinese lunar rover “Hare“, the Soviet Sputnik and many others. On Earth they are greeted by Yuri Gagarin, Alexey Leonov, Neil Armstrong, Laika the dog and Little Earthling with their parents. The author of words and music is Alexander Bulavin. Director, cameraman and editing - Yaroslav Bulavin. Arranged by Yuri Bulavin. Taisiya Vorobyova is in the lead role. Her parents are Dmitry and Nina Vorobyov. Performed by Lyubov Konstantinova. Animation - Daria Korneeva. Drawings on the walls - Alexandra Beletskaya. English subtitles - Lyudmila Bulavina. We will be grateful if you share this clip with those who have children or who are interested in a
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