Casino: Cowboy scene (HD CLIP)

What’s happening in this Casino movie clip? At the casino, some cowboy is disrespectful and puts his boots on a table. Ace asks him to take his boots off but the man won’t. Ace calls the security, which takes care of him and throws him out. An hour later, Ace gets a call from Nicky and he learns that the cow boy was one of Nicky’s men. Nicky asks what happens and is furious to hear that one of his men has been disrespectful to Ace. He apologizes to Ace and hangs up, ready to punish the cowboy. Rent or buy Casino here: What’s the movie Casino about? In the early 1970s, Sam “Ace“ Rothsteinn (Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver and The Godfather) is sent to Las Vegas by the Chicago Mafia to run the Tangiers Hotel and Casino, which is financed by the powerful truckers’ union and serves as a front for the Mafia. He has absolute control over all the day-to-day business, and runs this “promised land“ with an iron fist, while the money flows fre
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