🇬🇧🇺🇸 This exercise has become one of my favorites for some time now. It perfectly warms up and strengthens the fingers of the left hand. We take our favorite chord, CMaj7, its ladderish chord shape precisely. And at each step, we move a finger to the left - first the index finger, then the middle finger, the ring finger, and finally the pinky. Thus, each time we are lowering a chord tone - first 7, then 5, then 3, and finally the root and get a new Maj7 chord half step lower. It turns out a cool chord progression CMaj7 C7 C7b5 Cm7b5 BMaj7 B7 etc. When moving to the left, the frets become wider - more tension to the fingers, and this is what we are looking for! 💪 Try not to take your fingers off the fretboard as long as possible.
Play chords and everything in your guitar life will be great! 🤘😀
🇷🇺 Это упражнение с некоторых пор стало одним из моих любимых. Оно отлично разогревает и укрепляет пальцы левой руки. Мы берём
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