Mustang Fastback vs Tripper Fastback Saddle for Harley Sportster

So to give a quick overview of things. The narrowness of the stock seat was, what I believe the main, cause of why it is so uncomfortable. I am a big person by any means, I am 5’8 and 145lbs. But even the stock seat begins to kill around 50 miles for me. Both the Fastback and the tripper are wider which allow you to transfer weight better across your butt. so I bought the Fastback first.... lone and behold, it put me like and inch higher than stock, and an inch plus further back. I already have trouble being flat footed with the stock seat, but now I was really reaching for the ground. The tripper has more or a stock seat positioning and that is why I am going to stick with that one. A side note, for my 2017 sportster roadster, the Fastback seat does not fit perfectly... I really had to push forward with all my might just to screw in the rear screw. And even then, it doesn’t seat completely perfect on that bolt/washer thing... the tripper did fit, but it is und
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