Kelvin--Helmholtz instability

This movies shows a subdomain of a two-dimensional, incompressible hydrodynamic simulation. The color represents vorticity. The initial condition has two thin layers of vorticity (one not shown) with small random perturbations. The vorticity sheets become unstable due to the Kelvin--Helmholtz instability. The simulation was done with grid size 4096x4096 on an nVidia GeForce GTX 580 card. I used only single precision float and reached 130 GFLOPS. The simulation software is written in CUDA C and available for free on . It uses Galerkin spectral method with 4th low-storage Runge-Kutta time integrator. I would like to thank PDC ( ) for providing the Zorn cluster, which makes the development possible. The Zorn cluster is named after a painter Anders Zorn ( ) because it has GPUs.
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