Another liquid flow simulation before online demo !

I’m currently building up my blog : It’s all about my hobbies : photography, music, and of course computer simulation. There will be downloadable programs including the one used for all these fluid simulation. I’m currently debugging some stuffs to make them as stable as possible. I’m also converting old programs like fractals and cosmos to my new unified graphic user interface, in order to get homogeneity. Concerning fluid simulation, since it’s the object of this video, my program achieve a quiet very low compressibility, since I get less than 1% of density variation. I will probably release source codes. If I do, you’ll get my complete hard work for about 8 years now (on my spare time), and you will notice that I tried to reinvent the wheel as much as possible ! No STD objects here, only hand made low level classes, including String, Array (which is my own Vector) lol ^^ It’s part of the pleasure :) Here we go for video log : ----------- | VIDEO LOG | ----------- Particles
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