Taking Back the Legislature (2020) Hong Kong Documentary Filmmakers

After a night of planning and mourning, a storm is brewing at early hours of July 1, 2019. Taking back the Legislature primarily focuses on a group of protesters putting their lives on the lines and dedicated documentary filmmakers. In face of the absurdity of the government’s indoor flag ceremony, protesters question the usefulness of peaceful protest and hope to storm the Legislative Council Complex as a last ditch effort to ignite change in the movement. As they confront pro-democracy councilors outside the complex, their pent-up anger and despair explode. Due to the police’s decision to leave the building defenseless, the group successfully takes back the Legislative Council Complex momentarily and reads out their declaration. Though history has warned of futility in occupied space, violent street clashes continue deep into the night even after the group has retreated. The combat mentality has already taken root in the people’s heart and they shall not give up anymore.
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