ASU Letty Ciao Amore, Ciao Bella |Official Video 2021|

Watch the official music video for ’’Ciao Amore, Ciao Bella’’ performed by ASU & Letty . Nu Uita Sa Apesi 🔔 👍Aboneaza-te\Subscribe : Follow #ASU : 🎥 TikTok : @​​ 📷 Instagram : ​​ 👍 Facebook : ​ Follow #Letty : 📷 Instagram : ​​​ 🎥 TikTok : @letty_here​​ Download | Stream : ▶️ SPOTIFY: ​​ ▶️ SOUNDCLOUD : ​ ▶️ DEEZER: ​​ ▶️ TIDAL : ​​ ▶️ iTUNES : ​​ ▶️ GOOGLE PLAY: ​​ 📲 Booking ASU: office@ 0744 542 612 📲 Booking Letty: Catalin Rotaru 0723 591 595 @ Versuri : Ciao amore,ciao bello Ma intreb ce faci,esti bine ? A trecut numai o ora Deja imi e dor de tine Ciao amore, ciao bella Asteapta-ma iubire Las
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