Forbidden Truth: 9/11 Science at 21 Years | Friday, Sept. 9, at 8pm Eastern

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is delighted to announce “Forbidden Truth: 9/11 Science at 21 Years,” an online symposium about the state of scientific inquiry into the destruction of the three World Trade Center Towers 21 years after the world-changing events of September 11, 2001. The symposium will be held on Friday, September 9, from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM Eastern. It will be open to all free of charge on YouTube and Facebook and will be emceed by Andy Steele, the host of 9/11 Free Fall. Part 1 of the symposium, “Why 9/11 Matters More than Ever,” will include remarks by AE911Truth CEO Roland Angle and British 9/11 family member Matt Campbell, who is leading his family’s fight for a new inquest into his brother Geoff’s death in the North Tower. We will also play a video featuring several grassroots activists talking about why 9/11 still matters to them. Part 2, “9/11 Research Today,” will include short presentations on current cutting-edge research by fire protection engin
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