Goya no Machiawase feat. YOHIOloid, Kagamine Rin, and Len - Drum & Bass [ dj-Jo Remix ] TV Size

NORAGAMI OP “Goya no Machiawase (午夜の待ち合わせ)“ by Hello Sleepwalkers GOOOOOO xD Such an awesome anime! Probably going to be my favorite new winter anime of 2014. And the opening is played by one of my favorite bands :DDDDDDDD so I HAD to remix it! Plus this is also my first song using Kagamine Rin and Len (though more Len than Rin... Actually more YOHIOloid than the Kagamines haha). Enjoy! also I’ll try to do Future Star as soon as possible haha _______ Download:
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