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In this DROPS video we show how you can knit your work with a thread on one side to tighten with. Sometimes you need to tighten the edge on a toe of a sock or a hat or another design. You can sew in a tightening thread afterward but the easiest and with the nicest result is if you let a tightening thread follow the edge while you are working the piece. Insert a matching thread in the outer loop of st and let this thread follow the edge, make sure to wrap the working thread around it when turning at the edge. Afterward pull hard, tie and fasten tails. This video has NO SOUND - you must read the pattern to be able to follow this video properly. You’ll find a pattern using this technique by clicking here: You can find this video in many more languages, as well as search within all DROPS knitting and crochet videos here: Find thousands of free knitting and crochet patterns here:
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