Rainbow Six: Broken Wing JAVA GAME (Gameloft 2002) FULL WALKTHROUGH
“Rainbow Six: Broken Wing“ - Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Broken Wing is one of the earliest mobile game entries in the Rainbow Six series. It takes place at the New York International Airport that has been overtaken by terrorists. The objective of the game is to kill terrorists, rescue hostages and defuse bombs.
The game is played from a birds view perspective and the player is in control of a lone counter terrorist soldier. The player can move around in multiple directions and shoot at the enemies, preferably before being seen. Hostages are automatically rescued when moving near them while disarming bombs simply involves holding down a button. The game consists of eighteen level set in three different locations within the airport: parking and control towers, the cargo area and inside an airliner.
In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six™ Broken Wing, the player controls an elite counter-terrorist soldier leading the charge to secure his country’s freedom. The mission is to kill terrorists, rescue hostages and defuse bombs through 18 levels and 3 different locations in the Airport: parking & control towers, cargo area, and inside an airliner. This unique tactical shooter is true to the original spirit of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six. A groundbreaking title from the world of PC and console gaming, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Broken Wing is the game that every tactical strategy fan and action enthusiast should own.
The drama unfolds at New York International Airport, where you must lead Team Rainbow on a counter-terrorist mission. The story of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Broken Wing evolves in the course of playing the game, it puts you in the hot seat as you battle terror in your own backyard. Intelligence indicates explosive charges have been set in the control tower. You must defuse all bombs and secure the tower before a team can be dispatched to clear the main airport terminal.
Драматические события этого триллера разворачиваются в Международном аэропорту Нью-Йорка.
Возглавляя Шестое подразделение «Rainbow», Вам нужно разделаться с террористами, которые захватили здание аэропорта и заминировали контрольно-диспетчерский пункт. Обезвредить бомбы, обеспечить безопасность контрольно-диспетчерского пункта, выбить бандитов из главного терминала аэропорта, спасти заложников – задачи, поставленные перед элитным Шестым подразделением «Rainbow», действующим под Вашим непосредственным руководством.
Операция будет проходить в различных обстановках: на контрольно-диспетчерском пункте, в грузовом терминале, внутри авиалайнера.
Если Вы – бесстрашный стратег и тактик, то этот многоуровневый триллер – для Вас!
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