This magic word helped...

This magic word helped the Soviet skier win the Olympics in Sapporo in 1972. Skier Vyacheslav Vedenin was calmly preparing for a 30 km race, when suddenly, a few minutes before the start, thick snow suddenly fell. Vyacheslav began hastily smearing his skis, which was noticed by a Japanese journalist who was nearby and spoke a little Russian. He approached Vyacheslav and asked, “Do you think this would help? Because the snow fall is so thick. . In response, Vedenin muttered something that the journalist did not understand, but wrote it down just in case. As a result, Vyacheslav won the race and became an Olympic champion, and the next day a newspaper was published in Japan with the following headline: after saying the magic word “dahusim”, the Russian skier won the Olympics.
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