【七瀬夏鈴】Blue Star 踊ってみた - Niconico Video sm38367999

We keep dancing in this big star good evening! This is Karin Nanase! I have danced my favorite songs while enduring the cold and strong winds! I’ve done my best so I’d be happy if you could comment a lot (* ´-`) And the other day I graduated from high school and will be a college student from spring. I will continue to dance forever! !! !! !! I have entered the U20 frame that I tried to dance super! Thank you for your support m (_ _) m 楽曲本家様: sm28834364 振付本家様: sm28836048 Twitter:@pt_kari マイリスト:mylist/63411692 撮影・編集:ぐりぐり様(@_gri_gri_) 前回→チーズケーキクライシス(sm38339044) 次回→? 七瀬 夏鈴 03/05/2021 13:01 Views 2,149
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