10 hz + 528 hz Strongest Alpha Healing Frequency - Pain Relief through Beta Endorphins

A potent blend of 10 Hz and 528 Hz frequencies designed to elevate your state of being. In this session, we combine the harmonious vibrations of 10Hz and the healing resonance of 528Hz to create the strongest alpha frequency for clarity, serotonin release, and a profound sense of well-being. Alpha brainwaves at 10Hz are associated with a relaxed yet focused state of mind, making it ideal for enhancing mental clarity and promoting a sense of calm and is connected to the Manipura Chakra. Meanwhile, the 528Hz frequency, also known as the “Love Frequency,“ is renowned for its healing properties, stimulating positivity and promoting emotional balance. Experience the soothing effects of this unique combination as it encourages the release of serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. Additionally, the activation of beta-endorphins aids in pain relief, offering a natural solution for alleviating discomfort and promoting overall wellness. This
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