Lady Gaza - s/t 10“ LP FULL ALBUM (2024 - Fastcore)
Fastcore duo from Prague, Czechia since 2022. This is the band’s awesome first album, after a demo and a couple of splits.
Self-released (digital format) in September 2024.
10“ vinyl format coming soon by Ultima Ratio, Loner Cult Records, Šváb Records and S Kudlou V Zádech Records.
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1. Fuyoba ckurnd 0:00
2. Steven 0:40
3. Osud 1:09
4. Kajak Radar 1:38
5. Fast food not bombs 2:09
6. Jing jang 2:51
7. Vršovicé 3:24
8. 0 3:37
9. Retirement 4:11
10. Křižovatky 4:51
11. Bojkot 5:16
12. Suffer 6:36
13. Na ostří nože 7:02
14. Pohřeb singularity 7:32
15. Implementace 7:54
16. Existence 8:41
17. Máry plíseň 9:15
18. Pojmy a dojmy 9:39
19. Žraní žiletek 10:02
20. Černý bez 10:39
21. Mlčet 10:44
22. ParaLýza Simpsonová 11:14
23. Koexistence 11:35