VA / “APOCALYPTIC CONVULSIONS“ 10“ + 7“ (full compilation)
Ax/ction Records / US / 1992
AxCx 0:00
01. 3 Minutes Worth Of Songs
Maggot Sandwich 2:36
02. Kracked
Jesus Chrust 4:12
03. Son Of Dog
04. Brother Or Sister Be Naked
Rövsvett 4:53
05. Heroin
Disrupt 6:51
06. Crock-O-Christian
Bulge 8:28
07. Ballad Of Ron Jeremy
Meat Shits 11:20
08. Legs In The Air
09. Pulsating Pussy
10. Crushed Bowels
11. Bloodsoaked
12. Oriental Coozine
13. Pussy Slave
14. Mindfucker (Bitch)
15. F.M. (Fuck Modesto)
16. Support The Shit
17. Sticky Pussy Lubricant
18. Abnormal Penis Growth
19. Pee Wee’s Porno Palace
20. Old People (Don’t Give A Shit)
21. People Of Are You So Stupid?
Infest 15:35
22. Untitled
Agathocles 17:07
23. Pulverized
Psycho 21:09
24. Holocaustic Invasion
25. Nicotine Addiction
Assück 22:35
26. Anticapital
27. Spiritual Manipulation
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