MONARCH updates + Ucube passive %0 5 a day in TRX #PtcPat living towards the unlock of UTED staking

Yoooo my fellow money makers!! As you know i am LOVING MONARCH I expect a lot of great things to happen soon and also i have been building out my account like crazy The team is doing nicely and also the development of the project is nothing to complain about There is a small glitch with the ammount of Uted it shows in the account but i contacted the CEO and he says it will be fixed I also had an update that the earliest cards are coming out on the next month so we will be having a new thing to show off Also i am expecting the price of united to go up like crazy as soon as the cards release I am a happy member of the project and like always invite you to become the same It’s not a financial advice but a way to break the curse of poverty
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