(110) ПОД ОБСТРЕЛОМ с российскими солдатами в окопах на линии фронта ЛНР и Харькова - YouTube

Have a look inside the heads of Russian mobilization soldiers while they are in battle and under fire on the Lugansk and Kharkiv / Kharkov front line. In this report I am embeded with the Russian Army Mobilization/conscripted soldiers on the Lugansk and Kharkiv / Kharkov front line in the Russia-Ukraine war Zone. During my time with them a Ukraine started shelling the position from very close and a Ukrainian drone flew over head and we can assume it was correcting the targeting of the shelling artiliery seems no end is in sight anytime at the G20 summit in Bali Ukraine president Zelensky again said Ukraine won’t take part in negotiations by saying there would be no “Minsk-3“ peace agreements Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Tuesday that Ukraine has put forward “unrealistic and inadequate” terms for future peace said he spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron at the G20 summit in Bali, where he reiterated accusations that Kyiv “categorically re
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