Sam Brown - 43 Minutes (complete album)

Some deride Sam Brown - of “Stop“ fame - simply for being the worst one can possibly be in music, an 80’s one-hit wonder (she may have one true hit, but she’s been active ever since). Others find the way she navigates through the range of her somewhat raspy voice grating (well, that’s a matter of taste, but damn it, you’re missing out on something!). All I know is that I’ll keep on evangelizing for her sorely neglected 1992 masterpiece “43 Minutes“, which largely deals with the singer’s coming to terms with the loss of her mother, the famous singer Vicky Brown, to cancer. Since most songs segue into one another I’m presenting it here in one video. If you like your music with a bit of a bombastic 70’s rock feel to it, you could be in for a treat. Enjoy! 1. Come into My World (0:00) 2. Into the Night (3:42) 3. In the Rain (7:13) 4. Fear of Life (9:22) 5. The Morning Song (14:35) 6. You Are the World (17:25) 7. See this Evil (2
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