When you think about Sonic Adventure 2 Script and realize that there is a ton of places where Tails could have simply swap to plane mode and save a lot of time and pain lol. I decided to challenge myself to find a way to not only call the Tornado in real time, but also make it playable with a boost, transform / untransform. This was very challenging because for the game Tails Mechless and Tails Mech are two different characters, so I had to delete Tails and load his mech version in real time and obviously the game didn’t really like that, so I had to patch a ton of issues that this created, eventually though I managed to get something decent, lol. Once I got all of that working, I thought it would be funny to be able to fire the super laser everywhere, this again was challenging since this wasn’t programmed to work on regular enemies, so I had to hacks more stuff to make it works. At the time I’m writing all of that, it is not finished, there is still few bugs here and here, but I’m happy with the current
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