[Crack Vid] OH THEY’RE F*CKING | Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei

they’re in love your honour (Dedi to Mari and Emily, my fellow Richard x Seigi shippers) _____________________________ This is a sort of unfinished project from last April I believe?? It was supposed to be much longer but I ran out of humour juice (I also removed 2 parts out of it bc it wasn’t relevant or funny RIP) this short crack vid lol I have not been able to finish the Haikyuu AMV T-T IT WILL BE DAY....... Idk what tomorrow will be, maybe that AMV or smth really random??? I know even less what the 28th is gonna ........ but hey, little spoiler, there should be 3 uploads the 29th :D (am I setting myself up to die? yes.) Hope you enjoy this!! Did the last part kinda turn into an amv? Yes. Is it because I’ve always wanted an excuse to edit that song? Yes. Will it eventually be a proper amv? ............................................... (RANDOM BUT THE FACT THAT ’OH NO HE’S HOT’ IS TIMED ON THE B
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