Schubert ’Der Erlkönig’ - Michael Aspinall, the surprising soprano

German lieder, the most serious form of all vocal music, is here presented in Schubert’s “The Erl King.“ Four characters are portrayed by the singer: the Narrator is the first, telling the story of how a father is riding home through the darkness with his young son in his arms. These three characters are joined by the Erl King, whom the child spies in the trees as they gallop along. “Do you not see him?“ the child asks. “It is just the fog,“ the father replies. The Erl King beckons to the boy: “Come play with me“ he entreats. “Father, don’t you hear him,“ cries the boy. “Be quiet,“ says the father,“ it is only the wind.“ “Come with me, my boy,“ says the Erl King, “my daughters will rock you to sleep.“ The boy cries, “My father, don’t you see them?“ but the father replies that he sees only the trees. “Father, he’s seizing me now,“ cries the boy, and the horrified father finally arrives
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