Music of King Henry the VIII

00:00 Pastyme with good companye 02:16 Consort XII 03:13 Consort VIII 04:06 Adew madam et ma mastres* 05:50 Without dyscord 07:25 Consort XIII 08:53 Consort III 09:24 Whoso that wyll all feattes optayne 10:18 Whoso that wyll for grace sew 11:57 Consort II 12:52 Gentil prince de renom (a) 13:38 Gentil prince de renom (b) 15:06 Consort XVI 16:20 Consort IV 18:01 Thow that men do call it dotage 21:43 En vray amoure 22:51 Helas madam 23:50 If love now reynyd 25:47 Alac, alac what shall I do* 26:39 Consort XXII 27:41 Consort V 29:23 O my hart 30:13 Alas what shall I do for love* 31:23 The Tyme of youthe 32:01 Consort XV 32:53 Taunder naken* 35:28 Consort XXIII 36:06 Consort XIV 36:58 Lusti yough shuld us ensue* British Museum Additional MS 31922 *Harmonice Musices Odhecaton ST. GEORGE’S CANZONA Directed by John Sothcott , in association with Francis Grubb Philip Langridge, Tenor / John Whitworth,
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