Alec R. Costandinos Vol. 15: Winds Of Change [Full Album] (1979)

Hot on the heels of Love And Kisses’ 3rd album Alec contributed the soundtrack to the animated motion picture Winds Of Change which can be found here on Youtube for anyone interested. Like his Trocadéro soundtrack album the year before, the gorgeous instrumental title track took up the whole side one of the album while side two featured shorter cuts, including the fabulous, funky Pattie Brooks track Red Hot Rivers Of Fire and some mid-tempo tracks by Arthur Simms. It is a lovely album, but splendid as it was it marked the start of the commercial decline that Alec would experience with every new release over the next couple of years. 00:00 Winds Of Change 18:21 Red Hot River Of Fire (Feat. Pattie Brooks) 22:01 Where Are You Going, Perseus (Feat. Arthur Simms) 25:16 Star Child (Feat. Arthur Simms) 28:12 Future Legend (Feat. Arthur Simms) 31:17 You Gave Me Dreams (Feat. Arthur Simms) 35:13 Creation Of Man
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