The idea of a Jewish State and Zionism should be abandoned.

On May 15, 1948, Israel was declared as a Jewish State by David Ben Gurion, who became the first prime minister. This declaration was based on the Zionist ideology of Theodore Herzl. Unfortunately, the events on October 7th, 2023, and the subsequent violence in Israel and Palestine are just another instance in a long history of conflicts between Jews and Arabs. Despite its stated purpose, the Jewish state of Israel has failed to bring peace and security to its own people, and it lacks a vision for achieving those goals in the future. Zionism promotes a mindset that encourages Jews to be perpetually suspicious and fearful of non-Jews. This ideology has proven to be detrimental to Jews, contradicting its initial intention of protecting them. Thus, it does not make sense to persist with an ideology that not only fails to provide any benefit, but also harms the people it purports to protect. Therefore, I am advocating for the abandonment of the idea of a Jewish state and Zionism due to the observed harm it
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