Slavsia, Rus! - Arkona - Russian to English Translation/Славься, Русь! - Аркона - перевод

I do not own the copyright to this music or video. I have subtitled it in colloquial American English for the benefit of those who are learning the Russian or English languages. **** Fresh from Translation Station! Another music video from the Russian pagan metal band, Arkona. This one is called “Slavsya, Rus`“ which I have translated as “Glory, Rus.“ Rus (more correctly, Rus`, with an apostrophe at the end) is an ancient name of Russia, referring to the kingdom of Rus`, or Ruthenia, as it was also known - the land of the Eastern Slavs. In the song, the deities Dazhbog and Svarog are mentioned, and also Lyut, the god of war. Dazhbog, a pre-Christian god of the Eastern Slavs, is the son of Svarog, a mighty blacksmith who hammered the sun into shape and placed it into the sky. The earliest known mention of Svarog is in a 15th century manuscript known as the Hypatian Codex, which is a compilation of many, much older, texts: “(Then) began hi
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