Peace Arch|Peace Arch Hospital News Disabled BC Worker Fired

Peace Arch Hospital News, learn how the Health Authority fired a disabled worker. Hi, this is Armand from in this video, you will Discover how the BC Health Authority fired a disabled employee. If you work at the Peace Arch Hospital, this disabled BC worker news video will inform you. I was a nurse until permanent disability ended my career. I went to Court and won an award for Long Term Disability benefits. The court award was to be final and binding. However, my disability plan administrator rejected the award and terminated my benefits. My experience with disability insurance corruption and fraud is detailed for you at Deny Disability. Go there now and read about my knowledge of BC doctors who falsified my medical reports and maligned my character as a method of dealing with me. My local health authority fired me for being disabled, and when I complained about them, they wrote lies about me to regulatory bodies.
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