About the epic of Jangar and Kalmyk long songs – Kalmyk Collection

Taisiia Tiaginova narrates about her parents and how she learnt Kalmyk long songs. VLACH ID-number: kalm1244RUV0025a Description: Taisiia Tiaginova explains a little about her parentʹs background. Her father was a storyteller and epic singer who won a folklore Olympiad in 1940. Taisiia explains how her father, despite being illiterate, learned the epic of ʹʹJangarʹʹ. She describes how her father asked her to learn, by heart, the whole text of ʹʹJangarʹʹ from the book. Furthermore, Tiaginova recounts the ʹʹut dunʹʹ (long song) tradition and reveals to us the way she learned her motherʹs repertoire of long songs, which came to her in her dreams ten years after her mother had passed away. Both the lyrics and the melodies of those songs came to Taisiia’s mind in her sleep. Cite as: Ǧaŋɣýr bolýn ut duuná tuskár – About the epic of Jangar and Kalmyk long songs; performer: Tai
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