The Largest Underwater Eruption Ever Just Cracked Open The Seafloor But Now Something Has Emerged

Back in 2014 scientists and researchers revealed a new and much more accurate map of the ocean floor revealing thousands of underwater mountains and volcanoes that were previously unknown to mankind. Data collected by two satellite observatories namely the European Space Agency’s CryoSat-2, and the Jason-1, operated by NASA and the French space agency CNES was utilized by researchers for creating this map. Both of these have instruments capable of measuring the topography of the ocean surface within a fraction of an inch. David Sandwell, a geophysics professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego who led the study has stated that it may not seem like a big deal but instead of seeing five thousand volcanoes down there we can see ten thousand. Everyone knows a little bit about volcanoes and the devastating volcanic eruptions of the past including the Pinatubo, Saint Helena, Pompei and Krakatoa. These explosions caused a huge number of fatalities a
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