How Big REALLY is the San Andreas Fault line? (3D Visualization)
Let us know in the comments below where you experienced an earthquake. This way we might find out about still unknown faults in the world.
This Animation was produced to give you a better perspective of the size of the San Andreas Fault.
We should be aware of the power the faults around the world store and could release at any given time. As we just saw in Morocco, the tremendous impact an earthquake can have on its surroundings.
This Animation by CaSeismograph took several months to produced
We hope these simulations will bring more earthquake awareness around the world.
Please Share this video with all your family and friends to educate the general public about potential earthquake related hazards.
A huge thank you goes out to @EarthquakeSim for becoming our brother channel and his support!
EarthquakeSim Channel: @EarthquakeSim
Music by: @epicstra
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