ENG) 自製水陸兩棲釣魚房車! Handmade Amphibious Fishing RV!

最近老弟迷上了釣魚,一出去就不想回來,經常忘記吃飯,也睡不好。 為了解決這一問題,我準備給他做一輛水陸兩棲的釣魚房車! Recently, my brother is addicted to he goes out, he doesn’t want to come back,and often forget to eat and can’t sleep well. In order to solve this problem,I’m going to make him an Amphibious Fishing RV! *TURN ON CC to view with subtitles* 0:00 製作靈感 Inspiration 0:32 製作過程 Producing process 5:51 成品展示 Final work display ____________________________________________ 🔥人氣經典不&
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