14,000 People Made This Level

Level: Place by Spu7nix ID: 86917672 Spu7nix has been one of the, if not the most consistently innovative members of this community for years, creating and programming things that most of us could only dream of being possible, but with the help of dreaminginsanity and FlowGD, the barrier has been broken once more. With the popularity of Place, I feel there’s no need to explain the premise. But if you don’t know, it is basically a way for creators or even normal members of a community to collaborate and create art, but in this context, a level where people could sign up and participate to create gameplay, decoration or anything they wanted. As you may have imagined, there are practically hundreds of pieces of art in this level, references to different games, pieces of art, movies, pop culture and most commonly flags, both big and incredibly large, there is so much to see and find here, just going into the editor and looking at everything that was placed is an adventure in itself
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